Huge need to develop Manpower for specialized area

India is one of the largest gig economy in limelight today. The demand for gig workers in startups like Ola, uber, swiggy and other app based transformation of grocery stores, hyperlocal delivery has increased significantly and will continually increase as the business model of these startups are based on availability of these blue collar workers.
Blue collar segment in India has more than 450 million people accross nation mainly comprising of drivers, security guards,etc.
Less than 1% of this segment has access formal banking services and trained people in this segment comprises to less than 5%.
Generally this segment is hired through third party contractors.
Another point is that there is no one who is working on the development of these candidates. Govt is spending crores of money but initiatives in this segment are not there.
Moreover, this sector is unorganized and there is hardly any difference in terms of salary and career growth for certified and non-certified manpower.
There is a huge need to develop Manpower for specialized area like Machinist, Mobilie Manufauring, Delivery Boys, Package Industry, Retail Sector, Healthcare Sector etc

#opportunities #transformation #gigworkers #bluecollarjobs #bluecollar #efos #india #future #skilledworkforce

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