EFOS.in Celebrating World Skill Day – 15th July 2022

World Skill Day – 15th July 2022

EFOS.in is Celebrating world youth Skill Day 15th July 2022

As we all know that India is going to become the world’s largest population in another 1-2 years and India has the demographic advantage of having the youngest people in the world. It’s our responsibility to skill our youth while ensuring their aspirations, their dreams, and their concerns in the mind.

EFOS.in is working in that direction when EFOS.in gives any opportunity to candidates, it makes sure that it is not short-term and it has a long career impact on one’s life.

We will be celebrating tomorrow all day and discussing our work and announcing new initiatives. Please join us

Program Details

10.15 AM – 10.30 AM – Message by EFOS.in Founder for Youth of the Nation – Youtube Live – https://youtu.be/5c-Fwx7hzao

10.30AM – 11.30AM – Launching EFOS.in Mission Job – Work Integrated and Career Assured Pay After Placement Training Programs for 10th, 12th and Graduates – Join Session – https://skills.efos.in/s/store/courses/description/EFOSin-Mission-Job

12.00 PM – 1.00 PM – Counseling Session for Work Integrated Hotel Management – After 12th Career in Hospitality and Hotel Industry
Joining Link – https://meet.google.com/cym-wozf-mms

2.30 PM -3.30 PM Discussion of the Day – Demographic dividend – Opportunities or Challenge for India Join Session – https://skills.efos.in/s/store/courses/description/Demographic-Dividend

4.00PM – 5.00 PM Founders Talk for Candidates ( Special Counseling Session for Steps to be Taken for Career Progression ) – Join here or Download EFOS.in App from play store https://bit.ly/3ANxOJL

5.00 PM – 6.00 PM Launch Free English Live Classes – Download App and Join Live Free Classes on App – Download Link – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.efos.coursesRegistration

for Any query whatsapp https://wa.me/918744050874

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