India is a land of villages and with 65% of the people of India live in rural areas. Approximately,146 million children are enrolled in rural schools. The heartbreaking fact is that in a survey it was found that only around 16% of the school-going children can read text. If these students get proper education, the overall situation of our country will be different. Education in rural parts of our country is a catalyst to improve the economic and social well-being of the nation. There is a discernable gap between the rural and urban education systems in our country. If we want to achieve the dream of Skilled India, the enhanced focus should be on upgrading the rural education system. Here we try to put some suggestions for improving the situation in rural India
- Digitization has to begin from the roots . Digital education should be encouraged amongst rural children. We need to educate them about the importance of digitization for a better future.
- Advanced learning tools such as digital learning, computer education, and non-academic books should be provided to students from rural schools.
- Foundation skills in reading and arithmetic should be the focus area.
- Engaging students in activities like music, dance, and foreign language classes can improve their learning and quality of life.
- Speaking and writing in English should be focused upon.
- Rural areas require impactful policies and programs that should focus on providing vital infrastructure that can enable continuous education.
- Students and the youth of India don’t have access to verified opportunities and they find themselves left in the race. Connecting them to opportunities can help build their future.
- Govt should make a complete monitoring system to find out whether the scheme launched them reaches rural youth.
Government and corporates have to work closely with local communities to catalyze sustainable impact through the system and behavioral change.EFOS strives to create India’s foremost data-driven platform with physical reach to the rural and remote locations, connecting youth to verified opportunities for their education, certificate courses, training and skill development, employment and; access to support(s) from government and private sector stakeholders.